Linguistic revision and the supervision of machine translations are key tasks in the process of creating a text, whether it is an advertising, commercial, tourist, informative, technical or administrative text. Grammatical, orthographic, orthotypographic and stylistic proofreading gives it added value, distinguishes it and makes it suitable for its target audience.
Reports, presentations, catalogues, magazines, books, manuals, advertising and administrative elements, web pages…
Companies, professionals, entities, administrations, individuals…
The permanent collaboration with several professionals allows me to offer services in several languages: Catalan, Spanish, English…
I work in different programs and formats: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, InDesign, Access…
I have always had two passions —nature and language— which have accompanied me in everything I have done, and continue to do, both professionally and personally.
Nature has inspired me to get to know the country, other territories, to climb mountains —first walking and in recent times running—, but it has also pushed me to work in the field of environment and sustainability, carrying out tasks of environmental education and communication.
And language not only allows me to communicate, to learn, to read, to awaken the imagination… now it is also the mainstay of my professional activity, with which I try to make texts more understandable and, as someone very well says, to dress them in their best gala clothes…